Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Days

Well I've been home a week now and all I can say is YAY! I have been having a blast so far and it's going to keep on being a blast. Every day I wake up and am in my house I still feel like it's a dream. You have no idea how many times I would wake up in Oman and be so disappointed that I was still there. It's been so great seeing so many friends and my family since I've been back, I've missed everyone so much. You don't realize how great you have it until you don't have it for awhile.
Some of the highlights from my week were eating at some of my favorite places like La Cocina, Sizzler, Sweet Tomatoes, and Charlie Chows. Mmmmm, so much good food. Also having a family get together at my Nana and Pa's, it was so fun! Then I went and saw three movies too, Smurfs, Crazy Stupid Love, and Cowboys and Aliens. And I got to go to lunch with all the girls for my Aunt Shelly's birthday, it was so great to see them all. Another highlight was Sunday dinner last night, it's so simple but so nice being there in person rather than on Skype watching the rest of my family eat some delicious food and I could only dream about it. I'm seriously loving every moment of being home, even when I'm just chillin' on my couch watching TV. Life is good! I know my mom is worried that I'm getting bored already but that definitely will not happen for quite awhile, and even if I do get bored I will still be happy just being here. Also I'll find out soon if I got cast in Frightmares up at Lagoon, so I'll make sure and post about that once I find out!
Well I hope everyone has a great week, Happy Monday!

Friday, July 29, 2011

The End....For Now

Well it's finally here! My last day in Oman, wow. When I think back to when we first got here I really can't believe we made it. The whole time we were here I kept thinking that something was going to happen to make us leave early, or else I was just going to quit. But neither of those things happened, I stuck with it and made it all the way to the end and I'm quite proud of myself. I feel like if I could make it through this I could pretty much do anything for 5 months. I still remember the first week we were here and we were walking from our apartment to do the shows and I was thinking, "I can't wait until it's the last night and we're walking to do our last shows." And now here it is finally!
But even though it's the end of this adventure, it's definitely not the end of MY adventures. I already signed a new contract to do a show on New Years Eve in Singapore so I'm pretty excited about that, and hopefully more little short gigs like that will be heading my way in the future! I feel like I have so many opportunities coming my way now and I'm really excited!
Anyway back to tonight, we will be starting an hour early at 9 tonight and only doing 3 sets so we finish at midnight. After that we have to pack up everything from on the stage, head back to the apartments and grab our stuff then we're heading straight to the airport! I'M SO EXCITED!! I will be back in good ole SLC at 8:30PM Saturday evening! I will see all of you soon!
Oh and by the way, I'll still be posting new blogs once I'm home, maybe like once a week, so keep reading!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Almost Done

Wow, I can't believe it's really almost here!! I'm so happy! I never thought this day would come ha ha, funny, but I'm kind of serious. Anyway things have been going alright up to this point. The shows have been kind of slow but who cares, it's the last week!
Today we had rehearsal and that was OK, but then came the annoying part. So we've been having these rehearsals for last 3 weeks to get the new girl ready and she's been doing really great. Well now JD wants me and Trina to make videos of every song that we do so the new girl and new guy can have a copy of it to learn from before Thailand. I feel like he's just trying to squeeze out whatever he can from me before I leave. A video for every single song? Is that a joke? I didn't have that before I came, no one did. So why do I have to be the first one to do all that work when I'm not even going to be there? I already put in plenty of time to help get the new girl ready and now he wants more, come on!! I'm so annoyed. Trina doesn't want to do it either, so if she does it, I'll help but if not then there's no way I'm doing it either. So we'll see what happens.
Besides that I'm pretty much all packed, just left out a few clothes for the last few days and that's it! I don't know if I can say it enough but, I AM SO EXCITED TO GET OUT OF OMAN!!! Well that's about it for now, Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So today we had rehearsal and guess who didn't come?............Are you guessing? ..................................... Trina.
Yesterday she mentioned to me how she didn't want to have to do rehearsals this week because she's annoyed that we're rehearsing in our last two weeks here. Then today she just so happened to have a "toothache" and couldn't come to rehearsal. Really? Come on, that's pretty ridiculous. I know the real reason she didn't want to rehearse was because she was supposed to have had two dance rehearsals with the new girl last week but instead they just ended up going to the beach and the mall. So then I, Cody Jensen, the person who isn't even going to Thailand had to go rehearse while Trina stayed in bed. I mean it's not a real big deal that I had to rehearse, I actually don't mind it, but just the fact that Trina got out of it is so annoying to me. While we were rehearsing JD was asking Jehan, the new girl, about what Trina had taught her and Jehan was trying to cover Trina's butt by saying "oh we went over everything, but I'm not sure I remember it very much, I'll pick it up as we go along." So dumb, seriously, only 10 more days, 10....10....10, that's all I keep telling myself! Whew.
Well that's about all the excitement that has happened lately. The shows have been alright, and the weekend starts tonight so woohoo! Only 9 more nights of shows and that's it! Yes!!
I hope everyone is having a good week!

Monday, July 18, 2011


It's hard to take time to post when I'm just so freaking excited to come home! I feel like there's nothing to write about because I'll be home in less than two weeks and I can just tell you all about it ha ha. But I'm going to try anyway.
Things have been going smoothly, just doing the shows and the usual. I've been going to the pool a lot more because it hasn't been so hot so that's been nice. Then last Saturday on my day off I just watched some movies and hung out and that was about it!
Last night at the club it was so weird, we had plenty of people in there but it was so quiet. No one was talking or anything so as soon as we ended each set it was just complete silence in the room. It wasn't all that bad though because we just took it easy during the night, so it was kind of a nice change.
I still can't believe we're down to 11 more shows and only 12 days until I'm actually home! I never thought I would make it this far! But here I am, so close! Woohoo!! Well I hope everyone has a great Monday!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Last Few Weeks

Well we're in the final stretch now, only 2 weeks and 4 days left! Ahhhh!! I'm so excited to see everyone when I get home! The time seems to have come to a stand still, each day feels longer and longer but luckily that's about to change. Starting tomorrow we are rehearsing 3 days a week, Wednesday through Friday from 2 to 6, to get the band ready for Thailand. I know I'm not going but they need my help just for spacing and all the dance moves and stuff to help train the new girl. I'm happy to do it though because I know that it will make the time fly by a lot faster if we are busy every day, so I'm kind of looking forward to it.
We had another meeting yesterday, nothing dealing with me, it was just all about Thailand and all the new rules. It's gonna be pretty crazy for them, so glad I'm not going to be there! Besides that things have been good. The weather has cooled down for the last week so we've all been going outside a lot more so that's been nice. The shows have been just normal, nothing crazy, just the usual. And I think that's about it. Well, until next time.....

Friday, July 8, 2011

Beach Party

Trina just uploaded these pictures from the beach party on Facebook so I thought I'd share a few of them here. Happy Friday everyone!